Using Canned Beef in Recipes

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Old Fashioned
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Using Canned Beef in Recipes

Unread post by Old Fashioned »

Having used a few jars of my canned beef, I notice there is a strong taste of 'roast beef' that is really hard to season over to make it taste any different. Nearly all of my canned meats were processed without added seasoning, just so it would be versatile for any recipe I wanted to use it for........but with this roast beef taste to it, it all tastes the same. It's not a bad taste really but when I add seasoning when I go to use it, it all has the same flavor.

Another reason I didn't preseason it was because I was afraid the canning process would intensify the seasoning to make it too strong, but now I'm wondering if I should have to help balance out that roast beef taste.

So when any of you can any beef, do you season it before or after it's canned? If you preseason, does it help offset the beef flavor??? Should I 'lightly' season it first so that it doesn't overpower in the canning process??

I don't have that problem with chicken, turkey or bacon. Yes, the flavor is intensified after canning, but still blends well into a recipe. I did notice that some canned ham & bean soup was really heavy on the ham taste and even salty......when I didn't add any salt, just pieces of ham, beans and water or ham broth. But does anyone else notice the beef issue? Or do you preseason?

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Re: Using Canned Beef in Recipes

Unread post by HybridHomesteader »

I really only use canned stew meat for chili and stew. It does have a bit of a canned flavor. I don’t season before.

What types of thing do you make? Are they “light” in flavor.

We should totally start a Cooking From The Pantry thread. I need ideas.

Gina, Hybrid Homesteader, It'sMeG, TanksHill.... Mom, Wife, trouble maker extraordinaire.

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Re: Using Canned Beef in Recipes

Unread post by Farmfresh »

Sounds like a great idea for a thread.
And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit. -The Tick ~~ Bible verse Revelation 6:15-17 - look it up!

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Old Fashioned
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Re: Using Canned Beef in Recipes

Unread post by Old Fashioned »

I wouldn't say it has a 'canned' taste, but more like a really good roast. I just don't want everything to taste like roast.

I was lazy one night and did some lasagna hamburger helper with canned burger. Granted, the seasoning mix isn't the strongest, but all I could taste was that roast flavor with a hint of italian.

Then the other night I did burger SOS. Normally when I use burger either fresh or from the freezer, I usually only add some salt & pepper, flour to make a roux, then add milk for gravy........but with the canned burger, again all I could taste was the roast flavor. I ended up adding some beef bullion and that did help bring it down a bit.

So with both of those, the seasoning was more on the mild side but I'm wondering if that roast flavor would still stand out even with taco seasoning??

One of the reasons I didn't preseason any of the meat, was because I was worried the seasoning would end up being too much. I didn't even consider the beef would be the problem. So now I'm wondering about preseasoning the beef, but using a bit less in the hopes it will all balance out. IDK

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Re: Using Canned Beef in Recipes

Unread post by patriceinil »

I haven’t noticed any strong roast beef flavor in my canned beef. I have done them seasoned and unseasoned and haven’t noticed any strong flavors from the seasonings.

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