Holiday Cactus

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Old Fashioned
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Holiday Cactus

Unread post by Old Fashioned »

My redish scarlet cactus is a few years old and usually blooms before the holidays.......IF it decides to bloom. Anyway, I remember we had a discussion about Thanksgiving or Christmas cactus's last year, and about the different colors because I had went out in search of them. At that time I had bought a white one, yellow and an orange (orange flame). They did get buds on them, but I don't know what happened but the buds all fell off, so I never did get to see them bloom.

This year all but the yellow one has budded, and the white actually bloomed!!! |em1|


Cactus blooms always remind me of a tube of lipstick.
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Re: Holiday Cactus

Unread post by HybridHomesteader »

Yeah! So exciting. Mine are just starting to bud. Well one of them. The others are not doing very well.

Gina, Hybrid Homesteader, It'sMeG, TanksHill.... Mom, Wife, trouble maker extraordinaire.
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Old Fashioned
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Re: Holiday Cactus

Unread post by Old Fashioned »

I put all my houseplants outside in the spring after it warms up a bit and leave them there all summer & bring them in before frost. It has seemed to help blooming. I put them on the north side of the shed, so they get all the light without direct sun.

My pothos have gotten straggly, lots of leaves at the top, and around the bottom of the stems......but just stems in between. After bringing them in, alot of the leaves are turning yellow & brown. I finally cut off the long stems and poked them into the dirt to try to fill it out & make it bushier but not sure it's working.

I also have an orchid that was given to me when hubs passed. It's still alive, but hasn't bloomed since. |em22|
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Re: Holiday Cactus

Unread post by Farmfresh »

Those Christmas cactus are beautiful!!
And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit. -The Tick ~~ Bible verse Revelation 6:15-17 - look it up!
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Re: Holiday Cactus

Unread post by patriceinil »

Gorgeous OF! My Christmas cactus is barely hanging on, maybe I will give it a bit of compost tea and see if it will perk up.
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