Grandma Nettie's Egg Noodles

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Grandma Nettie's Egg Noodles

Unread post by Farmfresh »

Homemade pasta at it's best! My Grandma Nettie made these regularly and I used to as well. PERFECT for any dish that is in want of a good noodle.

She made chicken and noodles out of these and my absolute favorite forever Beef Noodles! Left over fall off the fork tender roast beef left overs, pot roasted carrots, onions and a few frozen peas stirred up in RICH smooth beef broth from the roast and then cook these noodles in the broth to make AMAZING gravy.

You can use these fresh or make up a huge batch and dry them some then freeze them in packs for next time.

Nettie's Egg Noodles |em23|

1 cup all purpose flour
1 Tablespoon baking powder
1 Tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon salt
1 large fresh egg - duck eggs are divine for this.
Mix all dry ingredients well in a bowl & make a little well in the middle of the mix.
Add egg & milk in the depression.
Mix & knead dough very well until the dough is stiff.
Roll out on a lightly floured surface or on a pastry cloth until dough is ½ inch thick.
Carefully roll dough onto itself dusting with a little flour if necessary forming a long tube.
Slice noodles off using a sharp knife - then loosen the noodles gently & allow them to dry somewhat.
Noodles are now ready to use or freeze.
Cook noodles by adding to a boiling broth. Noodles are ready to serve in 10 -15 minutes.
Makes great Chicken & Noodles -
or try using a well cooked beef roast & beef broth for my favorite...
Beef & Noodles! |em24|
And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit. -The Tick ~~ Bible verse Revelation 6:15-17 - look it up!
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Re: Grandma Nettie's Egg Noodles

Unread post by patriceinil »

All you got to do is swap out gluten free flour for the AP flour to make it gluten free.
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Old Fashioned
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Re: Grandma Nettie's Egg Noodles

Unread post by Old Fashioned »

Thank you for the recipe. It sounds delicious. |em24|
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