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Nettie's Egg Custard

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 1:33 pm
by Farmfresh
Here is the way to use up those extra eggs folks... (a gluten FREE recipe!)

Grandma Nettie's Egg Custard

1 cup milk
2 fresh eggs
½ cup sugar
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
Pinch of salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
(real vanilla is gluten free)

Combine all ingredients except the vanilla & beat well.
Thicken the custard by any method below:

In a double boiler - stir while cooking until mixture thickens - then add vanilla & cool.
On the stove top - stir constantly while heating on low heat until thickened. A stove heat diffuser is recommended to prevent scorching. Add vanilla after thickened.
In the oven - Mix in vanilla then pour custard into individual ramekins & set them into a large pan in the oven add water to base pan & bake 20 - 30 minutes at 350 until knife comes out clean.

Garnish custard with cinnamon or nutmeg!

BONUS!! Custard Pie

double or triple the above recipe & fill an unbaked pie shell.
Bake at 425 for 25 - 30 minutes until a knife comes out clean.

* Super bonus Bonus - If you use a gluten free pie crust ... this pie is gluten free!

Re: Nettie's Egg Custard

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 2:26 pm
by annaraven
This sounds great. And really easy. How much does this make?

Re: Nettie's Egg Custard

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 5:46 pm
by Farmfresh
I am not sure of exact quantities, because I tend to start eating it out of the pan while it is still warm... OK ... still hot. |em28|
I can't be bothered to let it cool down. |em12|

It takes two batches to fill a big pie shell.