When I clean my quail I typically skin them remove wings and feet and spatchcock them or cut them in half with a breast half and a double leg, thigh back section. They are fast to clean this way and how I was taught as a kid. But since I am going to be doing this regularly for a while I may try other things too.
If you PURCHASE quail they come usually frozen and also in several forms, from what I am able to find. They currently tend to cost about $4.50 per 5-6 oz bird and it takes two per person usually, so NOT a cheap meat. (Good to know when attributing VALUE to what you raise however.) Walmart even carries frozen quail, but they are more expensive than other sources. Here are a few links I have found so far for buying quail meat.
https://brokenarrowranch.com https://texquail.com/store/pack-of-4-whole-quail https://gandbranch.com/products/frozen- ... il-50-pack
Here is a bit of a description of what I have found that you can buy. (Pictures from Broken Arrow Ranch.)
Whole quail - are just what you think they are... tiny naked chickens complete with skin.

Whole split or spatchcocked -

Semi- boneless - wing and leg bones still present, but middle removed - kind of weird to me.

They also sell boneless skin on Breasts and Legs which are leg quarters and a weird thing they call
Quail Knots - "Half a semi-boneless quail with wing removed and drumstick pulled through boneless breast, skin on, boneless except for drum stick."

Different recipes call for different forms, but I am sure that the basic recipe will work no matter how your quail was portioned out.