Washing Soda

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Old Fashioned
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Washing Soda

Unread post by Old Fashioned »

I've only been making laundry detergent for a couple of months now and was looking at some other recipes for a DIY and found how to make your own Washing Soda. Just by heating up Baking Soda. Since this was something I hadn't seen before, I thought I'd share...

http://www.pennilessparenting.com/2011/ ... -soda.html

Homemade Washing Soda
Baking Soda

1. Fill a wide baking dish with baking soda.
2. Heat in the oven at 400 degrees until all the baking soda becomes washing soda. Occasionally mix it so that this process happens faster and more uniformly.
3. Use as needed!
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Re: Washing Soda

Unread post by Farmfresh »

Thanks for posting that!

Which detergent recipe are you making for your laundry? Myself I prefer the dry blended recipe.
And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit. -The Tick ~~ Bible verse Revelation 6:15-17 - look it up!

Re: Washing Soda

Unread post by HNA »

I had no success with the home made detergents. I used them for about 1.5 years, but was not impressed with the results. Went back to commercial for now.
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Old Fashioned
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Re: Washing Soda

Unread post by Old Fashioned »

I voted for the easiest, least amount of ingredients as possible.........

Dry Powder Recipe

1 bar Fels or whatever 'real' soap, grated
1 C Borax
1 C Washing Soda

and when I have it, I throw in a few scoops of Oxyclean

I have to admit that I'm not so sure if it does any better than commercial, but it's not any worse either. I will say the smell of Fels gets overwhelmingly strong. It's a good smell, but whoa.
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Re: Washing Soda

Unread post by Farmfresh »

Yup that is similar to mine, but I also add 1/2 cup each of baking soda and salt and I usually use a soap bar that I made myself. That leaves the soap unscented which is what I prefer.
And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit. -The Tick ~~ Bible verse Revelation 6:15-17 - look it up!
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