The "What's For Supper?" Thread

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Re: The "What's For Supper?" Thread

Unread post by bittersweetbranch »

What are the symptome of a celiac?

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Re: The "What's For Supper?" Thread

Unread post by Farmfresh »

It truly depends on the person.

Main ones usually are failure to thrive as a child, anemia, intestinal complaints - either diarrhea or constipation, bloating, lots of gas, acid reflux (which was my symptom), gall bladder issues, rashes, fatigue. When the gut don't work the entire body suffers.

Back in the day the ONLY way to test for Celiac was through a tissue sample that was retrieved via endoscopy or surgery. That is why the incidents of people being diagnosed was so small it was nearly unheard of. Now they can do genetic testing AND they also have a fairly reliable blood tests, but to use the blood test the person must be actively eating wheat at the time of the test. What so often happens is that people are feeling crappy and either naturally slow down on the gluten intake or eliminate it themselves. Then when they take the test, which detects the presence of certain anti-bodies. All these tests also look at specific parts of your immune system to see if your body is reacting to the gluten protein in the food you're eating. If you don't eat the gluten your body won't be reacting.

So a positive blood test is a great sign that you ARE indeed Celiac. A negative blood test is not necessarily proof that you are not. The doctor may give a different type of blood test OR they may schedule you for a tissue sample OR more commonly now, they just tell you to eliminate the gluten entirely and then monitor the changes.

One more thing to add to all of this. My daughter, her son, and I are not only Celiac (not processing the protein) we are also wheat allergic. My daughter D2 has such a wheat allergy that she goes into anaphylactic shock if she even gets a crumb that contains wheat. She must carry an epi-pen. If I get wheat, even a trace amount, I am puking my socks off within about 5 minutes and have basic food poisoning symptoms for the next week. Stomach cramps, bloating, swelling, diarrhea and throwing up until nothing is left. Even handling straw breaks me out in hives like rolling in poison ivy. (which oddly enough I am NOT allergic to poison ivy and neither is my daughter)

Patrice can tell you how the gluten effected her and her story of discovery.
And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit. -The Tick ~~ Bible verse Revelation 6:15-17 - look it up!

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Re: The "What's For Supper?" Thread

Unread post by patriceinil »

I’ve had issues for many years, vomiting, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, swelling in my limbs, anemia, migraines and major body/joint aches. I also have had psoriasis since I was 3 years old and it’s gotten worse as I age. Mine is a weird type though, it flairs up from March through October and pretty much disappears the rest of the year. I’ve had skin biopsies that say it is psoriasis and not another auto immune disease like Lupus.

My symptoms really came on strong in the mid 1980’s when they started messing with genetically modifying our food.

When I was 18 years old I would eat and almost instantly vomit. I had a host of GI symptoms but the doctors never checked me for Celiac disease. They did a CT-Scan with infusion (that’s when I found out how severely allergic to the contrast dye I am) and they even did an endoscopy BUT they didn’t test me for Celiac disease at that time. I can’t do any more tests that require contrast dye or even barium or I become violently ill.

At one point my rheumatology prescribed me a “Medicinal Food Supplement“ to help deal with my anemia. I couldn’t get my iron level up no matter what I did. The rheumatologist thought my symptoms were part of my psoriatic arthritis.

Over the course of time and after suggestions from friends I eliminated gluten from my diet and I started to feel better. My anemia has improved a tiny bit but I still have issues absorbing nutrients. I am on prescription strength (50,000 IU) vitamin D twice a week because I don’t absorb it very well.

I discussed my symptoms and their improvement after eliminating gluten with my PCP. She ordered the blood test to check for Celiac disease but since I had already stopped eating gluten it came back negative.

She suggested that I stay away from gluten from then on. She diagnosed me with Celiac disease because of my history of GI issues (past and present) and the improvement of my symptoms after eliminating gluten from my diet.

Now if I am exposed to gluten I react quickly with stomach cramping, joint pain, diarrhea or constipation and swelling in my limbs plus a headache. I react like I have a bad case of the flu or food poisoning.

My niece (my twin’s younger daughter) was having issues and I told my sister it sounded like what I went through in the 80’s and to have her checked for Celiac disease. She had an endoscopy and biopsy which came back positive for it. I also have a cousin who has tested positive with a biopsy. They say it isn’t hereditary but I dispute that claim and we have a family history to back it up. I’m 99.99% sure I have it too without having a biopsy done.

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Re: The "What's For Supper?" Thread

Unread post by bittersweetbranch »

Thank you. I have a daughter and a daughter in law that I will share this with. They have both suffered for years. My daughter since she was 2. She is treated for IBS so severe that they give her some kind of intraveinous transfusions and was diagnosed at 2 with a skin disorder called Ichtyosis. She's in her 30's now. My daughter in law has been all the way to MAYO"s clinic to try to solve her bowel issues. I've known her for 2 years now and she's never eaten with us or in front of us because it will instantly cause severe gut ache and uncontrollable diarrhea.

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Re: The "What's For Supper?" Thread

Unread post by Farmfresh »

Sounds highly possible.

I want to also add... my mother died from esophageal cancer always had severe acid reflux and my grandma had almost continual bleeding ulcers. This sounds like Celiac that was never diagnosed in both. It does have a genetic link.
And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit. -The Tick ~~ Bible verse Revelation 6:15-17 - look it up!

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Re: The "What's For Supper?" Thread

Unread post by bittersweetbranch »

Umm, Umm, Umm. Homegrown sausage, made from scratch bisquits and homemade gravy. And, instead of hash browns, shredded zucchini tossed in flour and fried. Breakfast for dinner is always yummy.

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Re: The "What's For Supper?" Thread

Unread post by patriceinil »

Sounds delicious!

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Re: The "What's For Supper?" Thread

Unread post by Farmfresh »

Oh my. Now I am drooling.
And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit. -The Tick ~~ Bible verse Revelation 6:15-17 - look it up!

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Re: The "What's For Supper?" Thread

Unread post by Old Fashioned »

I LOVE breakfast for dinner and we had biscuits & gravy just the other night, though without the hash browns or zucchini. Tonight we'll have bacon & pancakes......maybe even some eggs if I get that far.

Just so ya'll know we do eat other stuff besides breakfast...….last night I fixed some butter garlic shrimp with asparagus mixed with pasta. Apparently it was good cause it was gone in nothing flat

Tomorrow's plan is probably wings & things AKA some plain & some buffalo wings with some home fries

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Re: The "What's For Supper?" Thread

Unread post by patriceinil »

I made sautéed chicken breast with a salad tonight. I was too lazy to make the creamy garlic dressing though and used Italian instead. It was okay but I really like it better with the garlic dressing.

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