Baked Potato Recipe Ideas

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Old Fashioned
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Baked Potato Recipe Ideas

Unread post by Old Fashioned »

As mentioned elsewhere, I had seen (actually more than a few) ideas of how to dress up a baked potato and/or making it into a meal of it's own.

Here is a bacon cheeseburger option

There was another idea of using smoked brisket and a cheese sauce....unfortunately I don't have the exact recipe to share, but that should give you a start and can go from there.. I'd probably add in some grilled onions maybe mushrooms & peppers too for a cheesesteak type. |em22|

There's always the option of topping a potato with chili or veggies like broccoli and a cheese sauce.

I keep thinking I'm going to do this more often, but never do. Except tonight I AM doing the cheeseburger thing cause I have everything for it and can't wait to try it. |em24|

But does anyone else have other ideas you've tried & liked??? Please share
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Re: Baked Potato Recipe Ideas

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I LOVE stuffed baked potatoes!

The Deli buy us does basically a club sandwich - Ham, turkey, bacon, cheddar-jack, green onion, black olives and sour cream - on a GIANT baked potato. They call it a Spud Max SOO good!

They also do a ...
Veggie Spud - spinach, broccoli, red onions, house-roasted multicolored peppers, and RO*TEL cheese sauce.

Loaded Steak Spud - sirloin steak, applewood smoked bacon, cheddar jack cheese, and green onion

Chipotle Chicken & Bacon Spud - grilled chicken, bacon, cheddar-jack, chipotle ranch and green onion.

Roast Beef Spud - roast beef, red onion, cheddar-jack, and au jus.

I also like a chili and cheese potato with onions ... or a taco one. Or Even just a big old tater with diced onion and butter.

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit. -The Tick ~~ Bible verse Revelation 6:15-17 - look it up!
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Old Fashioned
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Re: Baked Potato Recipe Ideas

Unread post by Old Fashioned »

I did the bacon cheeseburger tonight and it was great

If I had better ingredients to work with, it would have been more true to form

1. I only had really small taters, so instead of doing the top/bottom to hold the burger, I left the taters as open faced, filled both halves and sat the burger on top

2. I used home canned bacon, which is kinda stringy, but cooked fast and high enough did crisp a bit without burning

3. I'm sure in the video the guy used siracha sauce or maybe a bbq, but for some reason I wanted Arby's sauce. Normally I don't like it, but it sounded good on this and all those sauce packets I have are several years old. I did try one, but tossed the rest, then I used horseradish sauce on the second one. Yes I had 2 of those tater burgers, just because they were that small. The boys got 3 each

And I did it on the stove and in the oven, not the grill. All & all, it was still delish and I'll be doing it again, with better ingredients next time
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Re: Baked Potato Recipe Ideas

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I do the stuffed potatoes a lot because I can't have the bread. I have even gone to burger joints and just bought the baked potato side and a burger with no bun and combined the two. I have even just used the regular mustard and ketchup on them. Horseradish sauce sounds great too.
And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit. -The Tick ~~ Bible verse Revelation 6:15-17 - look it up!
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Re: Baked Potato Recipe Ideas

Unread post by patriceinil »

Those sound delicious!
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