Corn Cob Jelly

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Old Fashioned
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Corn Cob Jelly

Unread post by Old Fashioned »

I seen this on FB as being a Depression Era recipe and thought it might be worth trying and a good way to make use of corn cobs

*** corn cob jelly ***
12 corn cobs, left over from boiling corn for the freezer.
4 cups water
1 package powdered pectin (back in the day homemakers often used green apples to create a natural pectin for canning)
4 cups sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Put cobs in large stockpot, fill with enough water to cover, bring to a boil.
Boil at a full rolling boil for 10 minutes.
Remove cobs.
Strain the cobbed liquid through cheesecloth or very fine sieve. You want to end up with 3 cups strained liquid. If you don’t have 3 cups, add enough water to bring to 3 cups total.
Return strained liquid to pot, stir in pectin and lemon juice. Bring to a rolling boil.
Add sugar and if you are adding food coloring it would be added now. Stir occasionally and bring back to rolling boil. Skin off any foam that may develop. Boil 2 minutes, stirring.
Ladle into jars. Wipe rims, put on rings and lids. Process in boiling water bath 10 minutes.
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Re: Corn Cob Jelly

Unread post by patriceinil »

Thanks OF
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